Friday, October 15, 2010

The not-so-epic first post

Ok, so here first post on my first/new blog. If your viewing this then you most likely know me in some way since I am only sending the link for it to a handful of people that I trust and think might enjoy it. I hope to use this blog to document my artistic ventures and what-have-you over the next year or so, so that I can look back in retrospect and see what I've accomplished, and also so that some of you that I know can see what I'm up to with my stuff as of late.

So I guess I'll kick it off with a good handful of photos here from over the last year or so. even though it really hasnt been that long in the long run, it still amazes me to look back and see where my graffiti has taken me. I wouldnt be friends with half of the amazing people I know now, I wouldnt have had half of the crazy experiences I've had, and I sure as hell wouldnt be the same person. I've also had to deal with the negatives of the game, but at least I can say with certainty that at the end of the day it was worth it.

Anyways, just a thought. I hope you guys enjoy my stuff, as there will be plenty more coming around in the future.

Note: I am going to attempt to order these from earliest to latest so you can see the progression, but I can only be so accurate, so it may be a little off.......

This bottom one right here actually got stolen at another show the venue was having about a week after ours while my work was still on display and got stolen by somebody amidst all the hubbub......I dont know whether I should be pissed off or flattered haha
Sexy Zombie Chicks
Not too happy with this blue piece anymore to be honest.......a good look back tho.....

Special thanks to Aero One for the flick on this next one......really made it pop......

The rest arent really in as much order as to when they were done, but theyre all more recent, within the past 3 or 4 months......

Just a random name I was tryin out right here.....I love chrome........
This pink one looked better in person......looks too unbalanced to me now....
DC Paint day with the ECK brothas

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