Friday, January 28, 2011

What? New post? NOWAY.

Ok, so this post has been a long time coming, as I have been putting it off for a good month or so now, being weighed down by alot of bullshit in my life that I'm sure some of you are aware of...but at least I have a decent amount to show, so lets get to it.

Alright, so since..........close to summer I think? My man Owel AKA Clef has been informing the crew and friends that he is going to be getting us a little job painting a gallery for the first friday's art expo. Sweet, I think, should be fun. Finally, a few weeks ago, Owel informs us that the job is finally coming up, and gives us the date and such. I wake up on the morning of the job, take some good 'ole B-rips, and head over to the address. Now, to be honest, I wasn't expecting too much. I thought we'de be given a pretty small space, the owner would be really picky about what we painted, and that we'de have a relatively short span of time to do our work in. Man, was I wrong. It was a pleasant surprise when I showed up and was presented with a fairly large space to paint in a proffesional looking gallery, with the entire day to do it as well. Needless to say, I had a great time just painting, munching on chinese food, and kickin it with several of my ANW brothers, along with some others, in studio 8 west all day. There's not much else i can say about it, and your probably tired of reading this crap, so finally, here's the flicks.

The studio

STUDIO 8 WEST Logo (Painted by TORE ANW)

There is also a time-lapse video of me painting the studio 8 west logo on Studio 8 West's facebook, unfortunately I can't embed it right here on my blog, but if you'd like to see it just go to this link

Also, I had a couple of canvas' on display at the show that occurred during first friday the following day. Unfortunately I don't have photos of either the show, or the canvas', but if you like to see them you can visit this link...

ALRIGHT. So on to the next one. A week after the gallery job I finally got to begin on a project that I'd  been looking forward to for quite some time, which was painting Katra Gala, a fairly reputible local head shop. After several long nighttime shifts, it finally came came together. There's not much else to say about it, so on to the flicks.

Also, busted out a leapfrog about a week ago at the legal wall with egzy. We pretty much just used scraps, and I thought it turned out meh on my part but I'm my own worst critic. Here's the flick
 Oh, and also, before I forget, here's flicks of me and Nouse's visit to Sime's wall from a month or so back...

Alright, so that's pretty much it for the legal stuff. Now, to sign off with some illegal stuff, here's a few freights and my mans JIMY and NOUSE on the street grind. 

 Alright. Thats it. Im done. Either I might post more soon or I'll just get lazy and wont post anything for like a month, haha.....we'll see. Peace.

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